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P487 - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
P487 - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany



Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation

Year of delivery


Installation site

MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany

Design Features

Performance Features

  • High positioning resolution (minimum incremental motion).
  • High pitch rotation stability and repeatability.
  • High scanning speed of pitch rotations.
  • Minimized mounting induced deformations.

Outer Dimensions

P487 - Outer dimensions - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation - Bestec GmbH

Technical specifications and performance values


Vacuum chamber

Chamber type

cylindrical, vertical axis

Main flanges

at the top


1.4404 (C < 0.02%)

Base pressure

10-10 mbar range

Optical design parameters

Beam height (entrance)

1400 mm

Beam offset

-22 mm

Number of plane mirrors


Plane mirror dimensions

420 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm

Number of gratings


Gratings dimensions

130 mm x 40 mm x 40 mm

Crystal 1 dimensions

85 mm x 20 mm x 15 mm

Crystal 2 dimensions

32 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm

Support structure

Adjustment ranges

Vertical translation

± 5 mm

Lateral translation

± 5 mm

Longitudinal translation

± 5 mm


± 1°


± 1°


± 1°

Plane mirror

Pitch rotation


-0.92° to +52°

Resolution (design value)

0.0218 µrad /motor fine step
(1/256, recommended)
0.00146 µrad /encoder count

Resolution (measured value)

0.05 µrad


0.47 µrad (pitch)
0.38 µrad (roll)

Long-term stability (> 2h)

0.04 µrad

Scanning speed

> 1° /s

Lateral translation


+1.22 mm to -139.66 mm

Resolution (design value)

0.0065 µm /motor fine step
(1/128, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count


0.24 µrad (pitch)
0.23 µrad (roll)
< 100 µm (translation)

Long-term stability (> 2h)

0.02 µrad

Scanning speed

1 mm /s

Grating / crystals

Pitch rotation


-1.03° to +56°

Resolution (design value)

0.0218 µrad /motor fine step
(1/256, recommended)
0.00146 µrad /encoder count

Resolution (measured value)

0.05 µrad


0.09 µrad (pitch)
0.11 µrad (roll)

Long-term stability (> 2h)

0.06 µrad

Scanning speed

> 1° /s

Lateral translation


1.68 mm to -139.48 mm

Resolution (design value)

0.0065 µrad /motor fine step
(1/128, recommended)
0.05 µm /count


0.28 µrad (pitch)
0.15 µrad (roll)
< 100 µm (translation)

Long-term stability (> 2h)

0.03 µrad

Scanning speed

1 mm /s


Distance between crystals


10 mm

Resolution (design value)

3.64 µm /step (full step)
0.001 µm /encoder count

Upper crystal rotation


-0.1° to +0.1°

Piezo travel range

105 µm


~28.3 µrad /V (pitch)
~21.5 µrad /V (roll)
0.001 µm /encoder count

Performance Test Results

Pitch deviation after pitch change (mirror)
P487 - Pitch deviation after pitch variation (mirror) - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Roll deviation after pitch change (mirror)
P487 - Roll deviation after pitch variation (mirror) - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Pitch deviation after pitch change (grating)
P487 - Pitch deviation after pitch variation (grating) - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Roll deviation after pitch change (grating)
P487 - Roll deviation after pitch variation (grating) - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Pitch deviation after mirror translation
P487 - Pitch deviation after mirror translation - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Roll deviation after mirror translation
P487 - Roll deviation after mirror translation - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Pitch deviation after grating translation
P487 - Pitch deviation after grating translation - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Pitch deviation after grating translation
P487 - Roll deviation after grating translation - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Mirror pitch positioning resolution
P487 - Mirror pitch positioning - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Mirror pitch positioning resolution
P487 - Mirror pitch positioning - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Mirror pitch long-term stability
P487 - Mirror pitch stability - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Mirror lateral position long-term stability
P487 - Mirror position stability - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Grating pitch positioning resolution
P487 - Grating pitch positioning - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Grating pitch positioning resolution
P487 - Grating pitch positioning - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Grating pitch long-term stability
P487 - Grating pitch stability - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Grating lateral position long-term stability
P487 - Grating position stability - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Scanning speed of mirror pitch
P487 - Scanning speed of grating pitch - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Scanning speed of grating pitch
P487 - Scanning speed of mirror pitch - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Scanning speed of mirror translation
P487 - Scanning speed of mirror translation - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Scanning speed of grating translation
P487 - Scanning speed of grating translation - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
Residual gas analysis
P487 - Residual gas analysis - Combined double crystal monochromator (DCM) and multilayer plane grating monochromator (MLM) to bridge the gap between soft and hard X-ray synchrotron radiation at MIFO beamline of National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) at BESSY HZB, Germany
